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Denumire job : FINANCIAL CONTROLLER (Finance Manager

red cross
Domeniu - Management
Locatia locului de munca - Polonia(In all the country)
Experienta preferata - luni
Program de lucru - Full - time
Expirare oferta - 29/12/2006

Numarul de joburi : 1
Cerinte de limba : Engleza (Fluent)
Germana (Intermediar)
Varste preferabile : 25 - 50 ani
Educatie ceruta : University
The Financial Controller’s primary responsibility is to assist the business in establishing and maintaining good standards of financial control throughout and to ensure compliance with the law and the requirements of the parent organization, so that the financial performance of the business is maximized.

1.Provide accurate and meaningful financial/management information from the business in a timely manner to enable effective business decisions to be taken. Provide analysis and interpretation of data as required.
2.Preparation of the financial pack, and assisting the business with short-term and long-term financial budgeting and forecasting.
3.Setting up and controlling the payables and receivables ledger systems, bank account(s), bank reconciliations, fixed asset register, and payroll, and ensuring that the financial systems are accurate, thorough and complete according to local laws, the Group operations manuals and local operating procedures.
4.Assisting with the establishment of the new legal entity and ensuring that all local expenditure is within budget and authorization limits, and that any working capital is minimized, and cash flow maximized.
5.Preparing and submitting all statutory returns required by statutory bodies in the territory and complying with all audit and reporting requirements.
6.Reviewing all terms and conditions of sale and purchase which deviate from the Group standards, seeking external advice where necessary, in order to protect the interests of the business.
7.Preparing and submitting CAPEX proposals requesting funding for projects that are appropriate to business strategies.
8.Producing and recommending the introduction of operational procedures to support necessary financial controls.
9.Assisting in the resolution of operational problems that have a financial dimension.
10.Any other tasks of a project nature which may be allocated from time to time.

Daca job-ul necesita o anumita licenta/calificare, va rugam descrieti : The job holder should have 3 to 5 years solid financial experience, most of which should have been within a manufacturing environment. A thorough grounding in management accounting is preferable, covering manufacturing costing and inventory control. Experience in national tax regulation and Government financial requirements is desirable. A working knowledge of financial computer systems is essential, as is a high level of interest in IT in general, both hardware and software.
Cerintele jobului : Personal Specification

Ideally, the job holder should be a hands-on financial manager who leads by example and who is decisive, energetic, organized, disciplined, and team orientated. The individual must be a self-starter, who has the ability to communicate well both verbally and in writing and who has the commercial acumen necessary to assist the Company to achieve substantial future growth.
The individual must be able to adapt and take a flexible approach according to the culture of the operating environment, so that the goals are achieved quickly, efficiently and with the minimum disruption to the operating business.
Practical common sense and self confidence are essential.
Good spoken and written Polish and English are essential. A working knowledge of German is desirable.

Programul de lucru : Full - time

Salariu oferit : Over 2000 Euro
Durata contractului de angajare : 12 luni
Transport asigurat : nu
Cazare asigurata : nu
Masa asigurata : nu
Data la care trebuie sa soseasca noul angajat : 28/12/2006
Alte bonusuri oferite angajatului :



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