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Personal pentru posturi de CAMERISTE in UK
Hospitality Programme in UK
- experienta sau calificarile nu sunt necesare -
Denumirea posturilor vacante: HOUSEKEEPERS si LINEN PORTERS (in hoteluri de 3, 4 si 5 stele, in capitala Marii Britanii - Londra).
Responsabilitatile posturilor:
The following outlines the main duties of staff currently employed as room service staff.
The list is for guidance only and has no legal significance. It is not intended to be exhaustive and may be subject to alterations from time to time in the future.
Although most room service staff work alone it is important to pull together as a team and it is the responsibility of every member of staff to make every effort to achieve this.
Room service staff are responsible for:
• Checking that the trolley has been left fully stocked at the start of the shift. At the end of each shift it is the responsibility of each room service staff to ensure that the trolley is fully stocked to brand standard and ready for the next shift.
• Daily bedroom servicing, which includes:
- vacuum all carpets - if necessary moving fixtures to gain access to corners / edges
- vacuum upholstery
- spot clean carpets to remove stains / marks (any stains not easily removed should be reported to hotel staff
- damp wipe and dry all horizontal surfaces including chairs, desks, shelves, drawers, skirtings, etc
- damp wipe and dry all frames and ledges
- dust picture frames, lights and other fittings including perspex stands, television and swivel tv stand.
- clean all glasswork, mirrors & frames
- remove all rubbish (NB always check under beds), wiping bins as necessary and replacing liners
- clean all ashtrays
- wash cups and spoons
- wipe clean tea tray and tray containing tea, sugar, etc
- wipe clean kettle
- replace all consumables as supplied by Hotel.
- report details of maintenance defects to hotel staff (eg lights not working, marks
on walls, etc)
BATHROOMS are very important:
- ensure bathroom floor is free of hair and clean (check behind bin & door and around toilet for hair)
- thoroughly clean toilets (including toilet seats, lids, outside of bowl), showers/baths, sinks, tiles, horizontal surfaces (including rubbish bin lid).
- The waste pipe under the sink should not be missed.
- clean and polish all glass & chrome fittings
- special attention to be given to plug to ensure that it is clear of any hair / debris
STAYOVERS (ie where hotel guest is not checking out that day)
- as above but guest property must not be moved
- beds should be made but linen only changed as advised by hotel staff
- towels left on the bathroom floor should be replaced
- the same standards apply to all other aspects of the room / bathroom
• Periodically, as requested, undertake specific duties (eg turning mattresses)
• At the end of each shift
- take any crockery, glasses, cutlery, etc from your trolley to kitchen (NB this is a Health and Safety requirement).
- Remove rubbish from your trolley to designated rubbish area
- Remove dirty linen from your trolley to designated area
DEPARTMENT: Houseakeeping
POST RESPONSIBLE TO: Supervisor or Head Housekeeper
To be responsible for all linen within the centre.
To maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness in the linen room, bedrooms and public areas as specified by the Housekeeper.
1. To be responsible for the day-to-day handling of all soiled and clean linen.
2. To collect soiled linen from the floors where applicable
3. To check all laundry in and out, ensuring all documentation is checked and completed as necessary
4. To report all linen discrepancies to the Supervisor/ Head Housekeeper
5. To carry out carpet and upholstery cleaning, as and when required.
6. To maintain periodic cleaning duties and related checklists as and when required e.g. shower heads and vacuum cleaners.
7. To assist with light maintenance issues when required.
8. To check in deliveries and put in correct store rooms
9. To ensure sections of bedrooms, lecture rooms, corridors and public areas are kept clean and tidy to the required standard
10. To make certain chemicals/equipment are used correctly and safety procedures are adhered to at all times
11. To keep storage areas clean and tidy and stocked up.
12. Keep Head of Department informed of any problems where necessary.
13. To provide a clean and pleasant environment within the bedrooms and public areas.
14. To collect daily workbook of duties allocated and return to the office at the end of the day
15. To be responsible for any keys, following signing in and out procedures.
16. To ensure all soiled linen is placed in the correct areas at the correct time.
17. To restock trolleys, trays and service rooms each day with linen, toiletries and chemicals.
18. To report any maintenance to the Supervisor /Head Housekeeper as soon as possible
19. To follow the correct procedure for lost property
20. To make sure all bedrooms and store rooms are locked and secure after servicing and when leaving the area
21. To attend any meetings requested or training courses where necessary e.g Health and Safety
22. Ensure a pleasant and courteous manner to all guests and colleagues at all times.
23. To inform Housekeeper of any special requests. e.g soiled bedspread.
To undertake, form time to time, such other duties as may be requested which are consistent with the nature of this position.
This list is not exhaustive and will be reviewed periodically when adjustments may be made
Numarul posturilor: 50 posturi vacante;
Conditii de participare:
- femei sau barbati (se accepta sa aplice impreuna si cupluri)
- varsta intre 20 - 50 ani (cu cat candidatii sunt mai tineri cu atat rezista mai usor la efortul fizic)
- de preferat persoane cu experienta, dar se accepta si persoane fara experienta daca au un nivel bun de limba engleza si sunt foarte muncitori;
- nu este necesara nici un fel de calificare;
- cunoasterea limbii engleze la nivel conversational;
- personalitate prietenoasa si devotament in munca;
Descriere job:
- Sa indeplineasca toate cerintele fixate conform standardelor impuse de catre managementul hotelului;
- Sa curete camerele hotelului fara sa aiba nevoie de un alt ajutor;
- Sa actioneze cu o conduita responsabila tot timpul si sa sprijine la nevoie colegii de echipa in munca acestora atunci cand este necesar;
- Orice alte sarcini cerute de catre angajator;
Minimum £5.73 per hour is a guaranteed salary. You can earn between £5.73 - 8.2 per hour, or even more, depending on the number of rooms cleaned per hour (see the hourly salary progression below).
Must clean 2.5+ rooms/hour; more rooms cleaned on one hour the more the housekeeper will earn. £5.73 is a guaranteed salary, the housekeeper can increase their hourly pay. Pay is either £5.73 or paid £2.05 per room whichever is the greater. (i.e: 3 rooms per hour = 3x£2.05; 4 rooms per hour = 4x£2.05; 5 rooms per hour = 5x£2.05).
- contract legal de munca pe 1 an cu posibilitate de prelungire, permis de munca, asigurari sociale platite de angajator;
- plecare in maxim 2-8 saptamani;
- asigurare medicala platita de angajator;
- agentia se ocupa de toate formalitatile necesare pt: permis de munca, cont bancar in UK, cazare, etc;
- camere suplimentare platite, in caz ca doriti sa efectuati mai multe camere pe ora;
- agentia va asista candidatii, printr-un broker imobiliar din Londra, in gasirea celei mai apropiate unitati de cazare fata de locul de munca. Costul brokerului este de £80, dar nu se plateste intotdeauna. Plata chiriei saptamanale in valoare de £80, o va suporta angajatul din salariul sau si include costul tuturor utilitatilor (apa, curent, etc...). Se pot lua in calcul si variante de a sta in acelasi apartament 2 - 3 persoane, astfel incat se vor reduce semnificativ costurile cazarii.
- concediu odihna platit: 20 zile pe an;
- se accepta si cupluri sa aplice impreuna;
- calificare in domeniul turistic;
- posibilitatea dezvoltarii unei cariere in domeniul turismului;
- posibilitatea efectuarii unui job part-time in orice domeniu, in timpul liber;
- dupa incheierea unui an de munca in acest domeniu, aveti dreptul sa obtineti accesul liber pe piata muncii din Marea Britanie in orice domeniu; agentia noastra va poate asista ulterior pentru aceasta optiune.
Program lucru:
5 days/week; 36 hours/week normal programme. A typical working week is 5 days, if the worker wants to work more days they can, salary will be the same £5.73 per hour or if they clean more rooms per hour they get the room rate. 36 hours a week is typical for housekeeping, many of the existing housekeepers work for other businesses, for example during the day they do housekeeping, during the evening they are working in a bar or restaurant. The applicant can work for as many companies as they like. Most housekeepers do not work on Mondays as it is the quietest day of the week, shifts will be agreed upon arriving in the UK and shifts will depend on hotel occupancy. Staff has to be flexible when working in housekeeping.
Acte necesare pt. inscriere:
- CV in engleza (se va utiliza aplicatia online);
- o poza tip pasaport si o poza tip 9/13 la tinuta office (se pot incarca direct pe site, completand formularul de aplicare disponibil);
- copii xerox: buletin, certificat nastere, certificat casatorie (daca e cazul), pasaport (daca aveti);
- cazier judiciar;
- adeverinta medicala de la medicul de familie, cu specificatia "clinic sanatos si apt de munca din punct de vedere psihic si fizic";
- copii xerox dupa toate diplomele de studii;
Costul programului:
- 250 RON - taxa procesare dosar (se achita in momentul depunerii dosarului);
- 360 £ - taxa mediere, se achita concomitent cu depunerea dosarului, in cazul in care candidatul a sustinut si a trecut interviul de selectie;
- 350 £ + U.K VAT - taxa administrare, se achita in contul partenerului din U.K, in maxim 1 saptamana de la sustinerea interviului de selectie, in momentul semnarii formalitatilor legale de munca;
- biletul de avion;
- 350 £ bani de buzuar pana la primul salariu;
Interviul de preselectie: Trebuie sa ne contactati telefonic pentru a sustine un interviu de preselectie cu consultantii agentiei noastre (ATENTIE!!! Consultantii va vor lua in considerare doar daca ati completat CV-ul pe situl nostru, in mod complet si in limba engleza).
Interviul de selectie: Interviul de selectie are loc cu reprezentantul angajatorului strain, cu ocazia targului de joburi care se va sustine in data de 17 - 18 octombrie 2009. Pentru a participa la targ, trebuie sa fii trecut cu succes de interviul de preselectie si sa fii trecut in mod oficial pe listele de participare de catre consultantul care s-a ocupat de dumneavoastra.
Important !!! Dupa incheierea unui an de munca in acest domeniu, candidatii care doresc sa munceasca legal si in alte domenii, pot castiga acest drept, iar agentia noastra ii poate ajuta pentru depunerea actelor si obtinerea dreptului de lucru pe teritoriul UK. Aceste formalitati dureaza intre 4 - 6 saptamani.
Pentru inregistrare apasati aici si parcurgeti pasii corespunzatori.
Pentru programari sau daca doriti informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa ne contactati la telefon 0268-311547, 0368-412996, 0723-556762 sau pe e-mail la:
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